4 hours from Vegas, and this is what we get on the road. Thank you Fillmore!
Oh tell me its going to warm up soon....!!!!
We arrived in Vegas at 10pm THAT VERY SAME DAY! Woooot!
So I ate healthy - at the ELEPHANT BAR....oh my heavens...this place is awesome. Because the road trip was filled with fast food, and munchies, I had a sincere desire to eat healthy right away.
I ask you not to judge my dessert of choice...I shared it. lol every calorie-free bite!
My cousins, Bob and Vonda at Claim Jumpers...or as I call it "Clam Diggers" I can never get the name right, so its now Clam Diggers to me. lol everyone knows what I'm talking about anyway. Crazy talk.
Cleavage....be ye warned of the cleavage in the next photo. Its Vegas for heavens sake.
I'm hot. And. I'm awesome. Ok?
Can you blame them? They haven't seen each other in a month and a half...oy.
This was a close to Vegas Buffet as I could get. This picture does not do it justice...the portions were massive. All I wanted was a grilled cheese sandwich, and they brought me Paul Bunyon's portions. WOW. All for $8.95
Freemont Street - for me Starts at the Golden Nugget...and here's its namesake. THE GOLDEN NUGGET. WOW in all its golden glory.
Me, enjoying the night life! Ahhhh...Warm at night Vegas.
We are not blood related cousins...but dang we have the same tongue!
*glee* Happy to be out and about, enjoying my own Freemont Experience.
The lightshow featured Queen as its musical feature...and I love love love Queen. See the love?
Ahhhh now that kind of temperature, I can deal with! mmmmm oh the heat, oh the sun...I miss my tan already!
It was 91degrees at night....and I loved loved LOVED the sunsets.
This little piece of magic was my LUCKY machine. Its a rare machine, only found in certain casinos...and it LOVED me! Like...it MADE me money EVERY TIME!! Eeeek!
This is my "Winning" face. You know you love it too.
This is my "Yes, I Di-id" face. With attitude.
Aaaand, here is the Famous Vegas Sign. This was about 4:45am...I was tired!
The next day - was a relaxing day, we did a little bit of shopping, and I got the kids some more gifts to bring home to them. It was so sad to leave this place, and yet, I was SO excited to see my kids again. Our morning started at 7am, and we were on the road back to Calgary. We did not stop unless it was for gas. We made it to the Coutts border by midnight. Not bad timing eh? We drove over to Cardston to crash at my moms. It was a goooood sleep. In the morning, she had breakfast waiting for us, and then we did a quick trip to Waterton. Gosh, I love this little nook. Its Gods country for sure!
After our trip to Waterton, we started our last leg of our trip to Calgary. My kids were so happy to see me! Of course, they were delighted that I had shopping bags and bags full of goodies for them.
It was a relaxing trip, and I am so glad I had the opportunity to go!
Thanks Jos and Kell for making this happen.
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