I hate health issues with me. I'm normally a healthy woman, no problems. This is driving me nuts. This heat in my house is driving me nuts as well. I love the warm weather, but not in my house. It takes until 3am to cool off in my upstairs bedroom. Ah, C'est La vie right?
Jos and I went to a Canada Loyal BBQ last night in Airdrie. What a pretty town that is. I was quite surprised it was so lush, and full of trees! Not at all what I expected. The BBQ with the mosquitos was a hoot! It was BYOB (bring your own beef) and I bought 2 baseball cut steaks for me and Jos to eat. HOLY SMOKES, those things are HUUUUGE. Compare to a small roast beef for each of us!

I'm now at home, not at church where I should be, if I was feeling good. I should have gone, at least the church has A/C.
Next week is Lliam's baby blessing! Very much looking forward to it! Weeeeee.
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