Thank goodness Jos invested in a Wii, because that has been my crutch these last few days. Anthony has thoroughly enjoyed kicking my hind parts at sports. He's just starting out, and doing very well. I like this console, because it still allows you to be active. Maybe I should invest in a Wii Fit. Those sound pretty nifty.

Sometimes I wish that 8GV night was every night, not just thursdays, just so that I can vent, get out, and laugh again. I'm not depressed or anything...just lonely. I'm so used to going to an office full of colleagues, and friends that this is such a different world for me. I feel like I'm always on the phone, calling random people just so I can have some adult conversation. I love my boys and I cherish the time I have at home....its just...I'm a little bored at times. My daily routine isn't the "funnest" yet.
Lliam is too young and little to fit in my jogging stroller, and besides, its rainy outside anyway. I can't wait for some sunshine. I'm dying to get out to Heritage Park. That is Anthony and I's favorite spot to be in. Season pass, here I come.

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