Ok, so I'm not there yet with my hotness. I haven't shaved my head yet, but maybe I should do it soon, so by this time next year I'll have a full head of hair and I'll look like this...


I am working out daily now. I alternate cardio day with weight training day, just to start out. By next week, I will have cardio every day for at least 1/2 hr, and weight training every other day. When I get to my desired weight, then I want to start building muscle! I wanna feel strong, I wanna feel healthy, and dang I wanna look hot. For me.
I wish I looked like that.
I'm not the hugest fan of working out. In fact, I dread it. My sister is addicted though - she goes to a spin class EVERY SINGLE DAY. She made me go with her to one when she was in town a few months back, and it was the worst hour of my life.
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